Website Links Count Checker: Check No. of Internal and External links

Search Engine Optimization

Website Links Count Checker

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Track the number of internal and external links with our Website Links Count Checker tool from, designed to analyze the link count of a submitted URL. Whether you're evaluating link structures, optimizing website navigation, or conducting SEO audits, our tool provides valuable data to enhance your website's link ecosystem and user experience.

Why use a Website Links Count Checker? Link quantity and quality are essential factors in SEO and website usability. Our tool helps you assess the distribution of internal and external links on a webpage or website, allowing you to optimize link strategies and improve overall website performance.

Using our Website Links Count Checker is seamless. Submit the URL you want to analyze, and our tool will crawl the webpage to count the internal (intra-domain) and external (inter-domain) links present. You'll receive a detailed report highlighting the link counts, enabling you to identify areas for improvement and optimization.

Whether you're managing link-building efforts, ensuring proper internal linking, or analyzing competitors' link structures, our Website Links Count Checker tool from provides actionable insights to boost your website's SEO rankings and user engagement.

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